Fiona Winning
At times serious, at times playful, Winning’s work is about prompting and sometimes nudging people to look at the world around them in different ways. Winning looks for possibilities for online and real time encounters, devising propositions for people to engage in actions that encourage creative participation, discussion, personal and collective reflection, imagination, a sense of community, and new perspectives.
…when I step over the threshold into someone else’s space, I am sometimes wary.
when I step over the threshold into a different space, I am curious.
I don’t always notice when I step over the threshold into another space.
It occurs to me that it would be respect full to notice.
And in that state of noticing, being mindful of the noise I make….
What does respect mean? to have due regard for (someone's feelings, wishes, or rights)
‘Thinking room’
will be a space for listening, thinking and contemplation
daily listening circles, where you can join a small group of people to listen with.
there will be paper and pens for writing and or drawing your thoughts
a selection of books and articles to read or look at
chairs & cushions to sit and stare
‘Work ethic’
workstations for small actions, a reference to the prison work allocation, known as [industries]
stitching small bags
making shoe covers
assembling prompt boxes
‘In between’
You are invited to write on the wall, thoughts, comments, phrases, poems, that offer support to the persons that will come after you….
Ongoing projects include-
‘The Do Nothing Club’ an ongoing collaboration with artist Alessio Mazzaro, that is both a concept and a call to action. The club is a site-specific space to do nothing. There is a dress code: bespoke cape and mask. Participant’s become honorary members and part of the extended Do Nothing Club community.
Creative Coaching time to ‘think out loud’ in the company of a trained coach.
Artist MOT an artist residency for reflection, testing and servicing creative muscles with and without audience participation.
Creative Playground workshops for adults to play and respond to specific creative provocations. An example, ‘Eat Your Words’ is an invitation to write sweet or bitter words in icing to eat or send.
Images will be added daily from 18/09/2021 - 03/10/2021 to show the progression of making over the course of the Prison Residencies project.